Living Now

Image Source: Rachel Hardwick

In an age of instant communication, we are constantly being bombarded by emails, text messages, and twitter headlines. When our lives and minds are filled up with clutter, things can get in the way of our goals and even our well-being. Staying organized takes effort, but can change your life for the better. The following are some simple yet effective ways to stay organized and uncluttered.

1. Tidying Up

Start off by clearing your workspace. Make sure you have room to stretch, only leave the essentials. Once you can work free from distraction, make your bed and organize your closet. Keeping everything neat in the home will not only look nice but save so much time. These little things add up and can have a surprising impact on our mood and productivity. Our environment shapes us, after all.

2. Mindfulness

Another essential component of staying organized is to focus on the present. There are definitely times we get tangled up things that haven’t even happened yet; being mindful is about living in the moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to breathe. Remember that you are taking life one day at a time. When you can, take some time to exercise. Even a short walk to get some fresh air can help clear your mind.

Image Source: TextAdventures

3. Journaling

Try to write everyday about things you are grateful for, future goals, and positive thoughts in general. Journaling is not only cathartic, but a way to express yourself and your perspective on life. Write about areas of life you want to change or improve. You will find that simply writing out your goals can reinforce them in your mind and help make them realities.

For some, organization comes naturally. For people like me, organization is simply another goal to work to. Hopefully these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me!