In a Nutshell

Image Source: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

I find myself spending a decent amount of my free time on YouTube, but more specifically on the channel “Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell”. This fascinating channel is something that I accidentally stumbled upon, but could not be more thankful that I did. 

Personally, I am very fascinated with random concepts like astrophysics, but being the marketing major I am, there aren’t very many environments where I am exposed to this subject matter. Because of this, I always get sucked into the vortex of never ending videos that really is the base of the YouTube experience we all know and love.

However, one video I came across used clear yet entertaining graphics and an articulate narration in which the incredibly complex concepts were described crystal clear. I immediately became obsessed with the channel. I spent the next hour or so watching as many as I could and sending them to as many people as possible. Each topic is a bit different, but the overarching theme of the channel is to take a complex concept—it could be scientific, historical or psychological—and explain it in a way that translates as effortlessly as possible to the viewer. The opinions are consistently objective and scientifically based so I always feel as though I am learning something without worrying about the bias that might impact the information. If you find yourself wanting to learn, or be exposed to some concepts outside of your daily thoughts, you should check out this channel!