How to Start Living Sustainably

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Sustainability is the state of maintaining conditions that allow humans and the environment to exist in productive harmony. When starting out, living sustainably can seem overwhelming; however, once begun, sustainable habits turn into a lifestyle. Here are some tips on how to live sustainably as a student:

  1. Pick one area of your routine to begin with; perhaps start by changing out cleaning supplies for eco-friendly products, eating food that is more sustainable, or learning how to properly reuse, recycle, and compost.
  2. Educate yourself and others by continuing to research; find products that can be reused or decompose, and talk to others about shopping from ethical businesses.
  3. Lastly, don’t give up! It is hard to change one’s lifestyle, especially if you are in a living situation that is not supportive or conducive to this change. Seek support from others, whether it is a school program dedicated to sustainability, or online groups for advice. Remember, every contribution helps!