How to Live on a Budget: Broke College Student Edition

Image source: Scary Mommy

ABBA said it best: “money money money, it’s so funny, in a rich man’s world!” 

Being in college can create the dynamic between what you want to spend your money on and what you need to spend your money on. It can be hard to find the balance between the two when you are on a budget. Here are some tips and advice for getting through college on that budget.

First things first, buy the necessities you need in order to be organized for your courses. Get bulkier notebooks for each class. That way, when second semester rolls around, you already have notebooks with plenty of space for homework and notes. My friends and I did this and it was so helpful! You don’t need to buy new notebooks every semester for every single class. This advice is to use what you have already.

Secondly, I highly recommend grocery shopping, if you live off campus. Grocery shopping allows you to bring in food of your choice, pricing included. If you go out to eat every night, that bill adds up. It can be pretty expensive and even unhealthy to eat at restaurants every single day. It is better to set aside time and energy to make yourself dinner with the food that you bought. Plus, it can be fun! Play some music and search for new recipes, one may be surprised what can come out of cooking for yourself. For me, it is a stress reliever from the overwhelming stressors that come with college.

Lastly, when you are on a budget in college, always remember to think before you buy. If you are anything like me and love to shop, set aside some money for yourself for the things that you want. Don’t be afraid to reward yourself for working hard. As long as you save up enough money to buy something that you like and still have the means for necessities. Treat yourself! There is no better feeling that working so hard in school and going to a cute boutique and getting a beautiful shirt or shoes to honor your success. 

I hope that these few tips will help you on your road to succeeding financially in college. Just always remember that balancing is key. You can always ask your parents or friends how to properly do the math for budgeting. College is a place where you are constantly learning new things and this topic is definitely one of them!