Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Image source: Jillian Murray

Making friends can be difficult at times. Especially when you are the new person in an environment. I was a Spring Admit at Chapman University, and therefore I started a semester later than the rest of the incoming class. It was hard to get out of my comfort zone and make new friends, but with time and patience, I was able to make a friend group that I am still close with today. Here are a few tips and tricks on meeting new people and getting the courage to step outside of your comfort zone.

First, never be afraid to show your true self. This is an idea that many individuals forget when they are trying to make new friends. One may think that they have to be just like the other person they are getting to know. However, you have to remember that being unique and yourself is far more powerful than being someone you aren’t. How boring would our world be if everyone dressed, talked, and thought in the same way as those around them? In my friend group, everyone is so different in their own ways! That is what makes our friendship work and blossom into an environment that is comfortable and fun. 

Getting out of your comfort zone means stepping into a new space that you are unfamiliar with. Try to open your heart and mind to an activity that immediately makes you uncomfortable. That uncomfortability transcends into personal growth and new opportunities for one’s self. Say yes to traveling, going out with friends, and even trying new food. You will be surprised at how little life changes as such can create a large impact on your overall well-being. You can even just start by trying on an outfit that you wouldn’t normally wear. Whether it may encompass adding a new pop of color to your wardrobe, or a new hairdo, change is always a good thing. 

I highly recommend practicing these simple ways to get out of your comfort zone while making new friends. Friendship is a rewarding and special bond that we should all value. One cannot achieve a genuine friendship without getting out of his or her comfort zone. And who knows, maybe that pop of color can change the way you look at the world and those around you.