Embracing the Unknown

Image Source: Lauren Conser

This summer has been a time of challenge and change. Usually, I create detailed plans to accomplish my goals during the summer; this year, however, I had a unique resolution. Instead of following a to-do list, I sought to use this time to practice living in the moment, allowing myself to act upon my whims during free time. This change of pace allowed me to complete many creative endeavors, as well as learn more about myself. 

Looking back, I see how this concept has helped me to cope with some of the uncertainty surrounding our circumstances during COVID-19. In a time when the future is unclear and the days start to blur, letting go of my meticulous plans to instead find little moments in which I could make unique decisions allowed me to ‘embrace the unknown’ here at home.

‘The unknown’ I am referring to is different for every individual; however, in all cases, I am referring to the small challenges and decisions that naturally occur in daily life. These little unknowns have always existed, and are often ignored or taken for granted. Maybe they are things we usually react to instead of taking the time to think about. Changing a routine, spontaneously calling a friend, signing up for a free class that catches your eye, or starting to learn a new skill simply for the fun of it are all examples of opportunities that change from day to day, bringing joy and growth.