De-Stress During This Finals Season

Image Source: The Beacon

I know it can be stressful to enter the season of finals, especially when some of us are trying to enjoy the holiday season. It’s difficult to hang out with friends or spend a night out on the town when you remember the stack of five 1500-word essays piling up in the back of your brain. However, there is a metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel, as long as you budget your time and create a plan.

There have been many finals seasons with a haphazard plan, and usually they go alright but contain a great amount of stress. Not this year. This year, a plan shall be made. Getting organized leads to getting things done, so here is an organized list of tips for getting through this finals season with ease.

The first and most important thing is setting a schedule. Look at all of the things you have to do, even the little things. Compile a list either in your head, on paper, or just in the notes app on your phone (this is my personal favorite when it comes to making lists). Include essays, projects, assignments, blog posts, presentations, and final exam dates and times. Be sure to include due dates on everything. Once you have this list, you can order them chronologically, providing a filter for level of importance. From there you can work backward through time to the present day. As you do so, add in studying, and break down each of the assignments. If it’s an essay, note a time to choose a prompt, to structure an outline, and write a thesis. Some people write an essay in one go, but if you’re a little slow to the punch or like to take your time, planning out these blocks of time is huge for productivity and your own satisfaction levels. As you get things done, you can cross them off your list, and even though you still have a million things to do, it doesn’t feel so hugely overwhelming.

The second tip is to schedule your sleeping habits. I don’t mean lights out at 10pm and out of bed at 6am necessarily; I just mean be consistent. I find that I am worlds more productive when I get up in the 8 o’clock or 9 o’clock hour, and when I get 7-8 hours of sleep, so I know to plan for that so that I get the most out of my time and take care of my mind and body along the way. Your studying will feel less effective when you’re completely exhausted, so save yourself the stress and find a consistent sleep schedule that works for you.

The last tip I have for you is to take moments to relax and have self-awareness. Even a five-minute break can make a world of difference during hours of studying. Remember to be kind to yourself and destress with some relaxation, and everything will be just fine.