Building Healthy Relationships in 2020

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Certainly, the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have caused many people to re-examine methods of building relationships. Now that we are outside the confines of our established norms and procedures, this is a chance to take the time to explore your relationships in a new way. 

When evaluating how to grow a relationship, ask these questions: What do I not know about this/these persons? What has typically defined our relationship, and how can I grow our relationship outside of that norm? After these questions, you may find yourself connecting with people who you were not close with before.

In communicating, make sure to affirm gratitude for your friends, especially during this time. This not only helps to affirm your friendship, but also helps you and your friend to remember what your relationship is founded on. Is your relationship founded on similar experiences that allow you to confide in each other? Are you united by the laughter you bring each other in shared interests? Knowing the base of your relationship is important not only for growing it, but also for evaluating which relationships to dedicate more time and effort to. 

Lastly, while building relationships, it is also important to clarify boundaries. During this COVID time, all of our schedules and normal routines have been remodeled, and the norms we lived by before may not always work now. Asking questions such as “am I calling too much, or too little?” and “what kind of meet-up are you comfortable with?” will help ensure that the needs of both individuals are met. 

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