Be Wise, Organize

When it comes to success, preparation is key. It saves time and stress if you are one step ahead rather than behind. In school, there are many expectations and deadlines. If you want to be on top of your game, it helps to plan ahead. Here are some tips and guidelines for staying organized in school.


  • Use a planner or Digital Calendar


    1. For most people, it is hard to keep track of everything in their head. In school, there are so many times I would get distracted and forget that I had something important to do. I highly recommend using something to remind you of your responsibilities. Use a planner to write down important dates, deadlines, events, etc. Personally, I am not a planner person. I prefer to use Google Calendar and set reminders on my phone. It comes down to preference but it doesn’t matter as long as it is effective.
Image Source: Rachel Hardwick


  • Keep all your syllabi in one place


    1. Treat your syllabi like GOLD. These documents contain useful info about your classes and teachers/professors. The last thing you want is to be scrambling to find the date of an exam, or your teacher’s office hours. I suggest keeping these in one folder/envelope/binder. You can even take a picture of them if you have the time and space. This will help ensure that you have access to your class info when you need it.


  • Lay out your outfit the night before


    1. This is a no-brainer for some but I struggle to do this. Check the weather for the next day and pick an outfit you’d be comfortable wearing. It saves so much time, especially if you are running late.


  • Set aside time every day (if possible) to study


    1. Set reminders on your phone to review notes, flashcards, and study for different classes. At least 20 minutes of review each day is solid. Get in the habit of prioritizing studying and watch your GPA rise.


  • Establish a routine


    1. Wake up early enough so you can be ready for the day. Create a schedule so you know the best time to eat, study, do laundry, exercise, etc. If you set aside time for self-care among other important things, life will go smoother.
Image Source: Rachel Hardwick