A Style Guide to Bold Prints

Bold prints seem challenging to style when just visualizing them but bold print isn’t what it used to be. The last time I remember bold prints being in trend was in 2008 to around 2011 when Ed Hardy’s patched denim was popular and polka dots and butterflies were all the rage. 

Bold prints, specifically bold print pants, became popular again towards the end of 2020 and will most likely stay through 2021. When styling bold prints, whether it be sweaters, pants, shirts, etc. there are two ways to do it. 

Photo from Pretty Little Thing

The first way is to have a bold print as the focal point in the outfit and keep the rest of your clothes neutral with colors like black, white, nude, and grey. This method of styling bold prints is ideal for people who have just started to experiment with the trend, as it can be intimidating at first. 

Photo from @emmachamberlain on Instagram

The second way to style bold prints is to create a monochromatic outfit. Monochromatic is to use one color throughout the outfit. This trend works especially well when the outfit’s color is bold and eye-catching. Keeping the same color tones in your outfit makes it look cohesive and put together without requiring much effort. Monochromatic should be used especially when there are multiple colors in the print piece. Focusing on one color allows for the dynamic to stay intact and draws attention to the outfit as a whole instead of separate pieces. 

Bold prints can be scary but with the right color combinations, accessories, and confidence, you’ll be all set for print-filled 2021.