4 Self-Care Habits to Incorporate into Your Life in 2021

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When we think about self-care routines, we tend to focus on physical wellness, but self-care is all encompassing, which means we should think about our emotional, mental, and social health as well. While working out and eating healthy are both important, it’s just as critical to take care of ourselves on an emotional level, which is why I’m going to share some tried-and-true methods to help improve and maintain a positive state of mind.

  1. Journaling

Journaling is an important part of my self-care routine. I used to journal sporadically in the past, but starting in 2021, I’ve made it a goal to journal every day. Instead of writing about the negative things, try to focus on the things that you’re grateful for. Focusing on positivity helps improve the way you perceive people and situations around you.

  1. Make Time to Do Things That You Like

In the past, I would feel guilty about doing things just for fun, like watching TV or playing games, but there’s actually nothing wrong with doing things just because you want to! It’s important to take mental breaks and to let yourself relax; otherwise, you’ll just feel unnecessarily stressed and will risk burning out really quickly.

  1. Read a Book You Enjoy

On a similar note, try reading just for pleasure. Reading isn’t just restricted to the classics, and you definitely don’t have to read anything too dense. Instead, try opting for a book that you’re actually excited to read, since it’ll push you to finish it. Reading can be a great way to transport yourself to another world, and it’s also very relaxing and rewarding at the same time.

  1. Declutter a Spot in the House

Another great way to improve your mental state of mind is to clean! When I’m in a messy environment, I find that I can’t focus, but when I’m working in a clean space, I’m so much more productive!

What are some of your favorite self-care tips and tricks?